Separates the Men from the Andromorphs
14 February 2021
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to watch Crimes of the Future ... Kim Newman hit the nail on it's head when he wrote that here Cronenberg demonstrated it was possible to be 'boring and interesting at the same time'. I know what you are thinking: you're thinking you aren't some bozo-stim-monkey, and you in fact crave glacial near-status. This film you will take in your stride. But you reckon wrongly. This film is one hour, not twenty five minutes, and interminable in places. Unless you have attained a level of Zen mastery, you will fidget in your seat, possibly contemplate chewing the carpet such is the oppressive sense of confinement. And yet, and yet ... Maybe that is the point? It conjures a world with total success, the world the later, funny films take place in. (No exploding heads or slapstick classics of such an ilk here). And it has a strange effect. Getting to the end feels like completing an arduous task, but after a while, you want to do it again. The locations are fascinating - we truly live on an alien planet. In fact the whole project has the feel of a documentary from another world - or convincingly from the future. It's beautiful, and very disturbing, in a subtle way. And it's funny! there should be a Ron Mlodzik fan club.
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