Zombieland Doubletap Became Exactly What the First Zombieland Movie Made Fun of
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In the era where Zombie hype was exponentially rising. Shaun of the Dead was the first film to make fun of how preposterous and hilarious zombie films could be. Turning the genre on its head into a low budget and entertaining Zom-Rom-Com (note; I need to talk about Shaun of the Dead as it had some influence on the Zombieland series). Zombieland followed up 3 years later to rave reviews it was thoroughly entertaining poking fun at the rules followed in Zombie survival scenarios. A few of these include only 4-40 people surviving the whole zombie apocalypse (somehow) and they have to stick together in a lord of the flies scenario cough Walking Dead cough. Abandoned Playground, Action Hero Duo team Tallahassee. Almost kissed by Colombus and Big Rock etc. Going on road trips was fun in the first film, in the second it felt like I was forced into a box to see bad CGI action taking place. Finally again with Little Rock and Big Rock betraying them at every turn was entertaining in the first film but far, far less entertaining in the second film be unique be interesting don't do the same old hashed stuff again I'm so sick of it. As a fan of Elvis, I was pretty biased in liking the 30 minutes they spent making Elvis references, which would be annoying to anybody that doesn't like Elvis Presley. Please keep this in mind. The White House was pretty badass.

From here on out there are spoilers (I still recommend watching the film if only for the nostalgia and final battle): Nobody was more overtly stupid like Madison in Zombieland Doubletap whom I hated with a vengeance she ruined the film for me. She made the film feel like an awful cash-grab sequel. To a dead genre that hasn't been popular since The Walking Dead. This dumb blonde bs gave me aids add anyone else and it would've been more entertaining the worst part about the dumb blonde character is THAT PEOPLE LIKED HER PERFORMANCE. Jesus Christ Why? I'll give the film credit for being just entertaining and funny enough that I could sit through its 100-minute runtime. The ending of the film was worth the other 110 minutes of pure cringe. The amount of kills that took place in the four seasons of the Walking Dead kill numbers in 20 minutes sounds pretty cool to me. I was expecting the same thing as the last film but they somehow made it more interesting even if Tallahassee running and the zombies not looking through the holed shields and biting at the people at the top of the building makes no sense. The Crane scene was very emotional and I think I would have been sad to see Tal. died because I liked his character a lot even in this mediocre film. I would've given it a 5/10 had the ending been bad but I decided 6/10 is fine.
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