Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (2015 Video Game)
Love the concept, but very frustrating gameplay.
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Combat - It took me a while to understand the combat style. When you have multiple enemy's around you, some enemy's block and you have to break their block, some enemy's strike and you need to dodge the attack. Doing all of this allows you to get a good combo. But it's not that clear when each enemy does something different, the camera angles don't help either.

Glitches - Ran into quite a few glitches while playing. I find with most AC games, when free running and you're against the clock or at risk of your enemy running away, the characters often scale a building instead of running straight through and you end up failing missions or missing out on bonuses.

Visuals - I am a sucker for costumes and how well the scenery is made. They did London fantastically and I loved exploring Victorian London, the costumes were beautiful, but there really isn't a huge difference between all the costumes. You can also acquire various colours but not all costumes change colour.

Inventory - The inventory is a mess, especially in your weapons section. In my understanding at the beginning, I thought I could equip a knuckle duster, a knife AND a cane sword, but no, you can only equip one of them (even though in reality you really could have all three at the same time)

Missions - I often felt you had to rush through missions as things started to unfold quickly, therefore you have to act quickly, and it gives you bonus opportunities along the way, such as; "Don't let the target escape" but I often found it would give you these extra things to do whilst in the thick of things, I didn't have time to be reading the extra stuff so I missed out a lot of the bonuses.

Your gangs interference - I loved the fact you had your team dotted around the place and could summon them at your disposal. But there were often times, when a mission requires a lot of stealth, I'd find one of my members inside a restricted area interfering with missions without being summoned and told to do so.

Information - When in the annoying in between moments, after fast travelling or being desynchronised, there are tips and facts about Victorian London which gives you something to read through while waiting, however it automatically cycles through at a fixed speed and found I could not read it all by the time it changed.

These were my negatives (it seems a lot) but with all of that, I still really enjoyed playing. I loved the free roaming of London, there are plenty of collectibles and side missions to get busy with and so many cool extras and some famous faces back in that era.

Frustrating but enjoyable game.
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