Loved it since I was little
31 January 2021
Most reviews have stated the obvious, the flaws (it meanders at times), the highlights (Rickman) so I won do that.. It's a fun, flawed romp that has a few scary scene and some real funny stuff. I love the way he solves the crime and the ending is what I want to talk about. I hate to talk down and play the 'didn't get it' card but I will. Out all these reviews I only read ONE person mention the correct interpretation of the ending. It's not over the cop slapstick - it's supposed to be real. The way it's all on the fly and a low rent home made setup is great but the stair case scene is literally how that shit would go down. This ain't Se7en lol...our guy is gonna fight his way to catch this killer. I love it and I think it's Kline's best moment on film tbh. I think this is one of those times where the LONGER movie (if it exists) might have been better and the tone and pace were affected by removing stuff. I'd watch a longer version if that was the case but I think it could have been cut down a little better too. I do agree with one other reviewer who said when your in the right mood it's better.
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