25 January 2021
Although preceding it by a couple of years, this film reminded me of Alfie. I thought the attitude towards women in Alfie was a one off, but apparently not. For Alfie read Harry. Flash Harry (Ian Hendry) His attitude towards women is use them and leave them, but the thing I don't get is why the women all seem seemed willing to prostitute themselves for a smooth talker, money and/or a good time (or all of the above!) Four women fall into this category in this film, surely women of that time were not so shallow and promiscuous. Also, were the two husbands concerned really so naïve as not to see what was going on right under their noses, and the mother come to that. I shudder to think what message this film sent out to the young people of the time watching in the cinema. Anyway, it is a good period piece with lots of footage of South London and Routemaster buses! The picture quality and sound was good, unlike films a few years earlier.
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