Are You Kidding With The Blah Review! Totally Worth A Trip With This Lady!
11 January 2021
Flashbacks to some of the greatest times on EARTH...More Flashbacks to the Greatest Times on Earth...Sports Neutering (Laugh)! A woman that self describes herself as "Do I Look Approachable" (Laugh). C'mon knock the crust of yourselves you overindulged, self absorbed A-List types and lighten up a little just cause you didn't get the mini-series!

I WILL watch this a second rough for sure. I can't get enough about the little trip through the streets and eyes of someone living and growing with New York and her slips and falls along the way to be where she sits today. The references to the cultural effigies and their persuasion to progress as we also go along for the fashion trip!

I'm giving you Fran a big high five!
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