Bride Wars (2009)
Two girlfriends had a fight or Kindergarten on the road
8 January 2021
Comedy. A picture that I stumbled upon by accident while looking for a movie starring the beautiful Anne Hathaway. I admit honestly that I did not expect much - just to laugh heartily, well, at least in a few moments - and my wish came true. Who would have thought. The comedy turned out to be a comedy, and was not covered by other genres. And here's my brief opinion - A kindergarten on the road. As elsewhere, there are both pluses, which made me pleasant and interesting to watch, and minuses, which spoiled the impression a little. Well, okay, let's finish with the introductory word and dwell on the picture in more detail. So the pros: 1. Scenario - two girlfriends, as they say, "do not spill water" receive offers from their boyfriends about marriage. But there was a certain occasion - both weddings are scheduled for the same day, and postponing at least one of them is the same as asking the film academy to award Oscars to excellent and really important films, and not to the laughing stock that is now (hello " 12 Years of Slavery "and" Moonlight "). This circumstance turns the once best friends into the worst enemies who begin to spoil the life of themselves and those around them. If you do not take one moment (which I will mention in the minuses), then the script turned out to be quite good, simple and, most importantly, working. The characters of the heroines are classic and perfectly reveal themselves in dialogues. There are no revelations. The environment is the same. But it still clings. Do not think, of course, that this comedy is "for all time", but for an evening in the company of a loved one - the very thing. 2. Humor - as I said, there are frankly hilarious moments that turned out clearly on the go, so to speak, improvisation. All the rest is antics (in moderation) and a lot of funny situations that will cause a slight smile and definitely cheer up. And the intrigues of the brides - then a natural kindergarten on the road! I wanted to laugh - so I laughed, which I advise you. 3. Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson - the whole picture is based on the relationship of these beauties, and they did not disappoint. Looking at the picture, you feel that these girls are connected by many years of friendship and empathize with each to a certain extent. They both deserve their dream wedding. They are completely different, but this does not prevent them from being friends. So the cons: 1. Scenario twist - I will not name it, so as not to spoil the viewing for those who have not yet seen the picture. And although they explained everything in the finale, this does not change my disappointment. Why did this happen? What are you doing? 2. Intrigues - they could be more inventive. Those present in the picture are simple and too banal (albeit hilarious), but I would like to be really virtuoso and mind-blowing. This point is pure nitpicking, just one minus - it's not serious! A little about the main characters: 1. Olivia Lerner performed by Kate Hudson is a lawyer, Emma's bosom friend, who intends to "persuade" the latter to postpone the wedding date. Tough, shameless, unprincipled, insidious. She puts no one above herself in anything or anyone. In short, an egoist who is very difficult to defeat. I remember Kate from the historical drama "Four Feathers" and the musical "Nine". She played her heroine perfectly. I can only praise. Kisses to Kate's hand! 2. Emma Allen performed by Anne Hathaway - a school teacher, Olivia's bosom friend, who does not intend to give in on the question of the wedding date. She is quiet and modest by nature, thinking primarily about others. In order to win, he decides to become cocky, assertive, arrogant, and so on. All for the sake of victory, as they say. But in the pursuit of victory, can she remain herself? That is the question. The charming and beautiful Ann here again pleases the eye. Yes, it's just nice to look at her, and acting is out of place. Good Ann! Kisses to the pen! What else pleased me - the movie is not prolonged. And with its budget (thirty million cabbage leaves), it successfully showed itself at the box office, and thank God that the producers and studio owners decided not to shoot a sequel. This picture is clearly intended for a female audience (although it was filmed by the man Gary Vinik, unfortunately now deceased), but I liked it. Perhaps someday, I will even revise it. Beautiful Anne, your best role ever was two parts of The Princess Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada and two parts of Alice. Although you're good here too, you're perfect in The Princess Diaries! As a result, we have a good comedy about a quarrel between two bosom friends, with a good script, great humor, good acting work and an excellent duet of two beauties - Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway! My rating is 7 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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