Teenage Kicks (2016)
Coy and repetitive
15 December 2020
Miles Szanto gives an adequate performance in this film that has the unfortunate title of ' Teenage Kicks ', and it sounds like a title from a 1950's exploitation flick; the type of film usually banned in the UK and surely too in Australia. One reviewer compares it to ' L'Homme Blesse ' written by Herve Guibert and made by the great Patrice Chereau. I suggest that ' lost ' film should be viewed again to see what I may have missed, and unlike this film it was made by a great and controlled director who was more focussed than the director who made this. Frankly ' Teenage Kicks ' is a mess. Szanto is too old to be a 17 year old, and the fact that he is conflicted over his very confused homosexuality bored me to tears. It is has one unfortunate line in it when he tries to kiss his ' best ' friend, and after the friend hits him the angry friend says, ' f...K you, Mic '. Unfortunate given the circumstances. For those who get turned on easily there is a lot of male bottom showing, and bouts of simulated masturbation that just ended up coy and repetitive. I had absolutely no sympathy for this ' elderly ' 17 year old and his confusions. There is one scene ( brief ) of homosexual fulfilment and many scenes of rather ugly sexuality. The description of two slugs having sex was genuinely enlightening, but the rest was not. There is a male rape in the film that would have astonished the slugs especially as the rapist seems sorry afterwards!!! The film ' Sauvage ' came to mind, but not to this film's benefit. 4 for the attempt to make the Australians aware of complexities about homosexuality, and saddened it does not (for me ) succeed.
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