a sad realistic story
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't remember seeing a movie where the poster of the movie was in such a huge contrast with the content of the movie. On the poster there are two good-looking guys who look a bit like the kings of the night. Two very confident guys who are aware of their good looks and also use it. Well, in the story they didn't have one glorious moment where they could have said that they achieved something. It was not clear at the beginning of the movie whether the story goes somewhere or it just shows aimlessly some days of their lives. Both or to be more exact: pretty much every character struggles with his / her everyday life. The somewhat older main character has debts and gets harassed by a local gangster who wants his money back. He is pretty much a parasite who tries to lure money out of everyone he can. The younger guy starts a relationship with a woman who does the same line of work and he is constantly jealous of her. It becomes an obsession that ends very badly for both of them. By the way (just a small additional remark) if ever a man reads this, I just would like to clarify that in case of 'woman - man' quarrels, regardless of the topic, if a woman smiles at some point, that doesn't necessarily mean that the woman laughs out her opponent. I think in many cases it is just a smile of desperate frustration that shouldn't be rewarded with punches from the guy. (This movie has a similar scene and I also ran into a lunatic some time ago. For a moment I smiled at the outrageous stupid things he said and he thought instantly that I made fun of him - but not. I was just irritated and couldn't believe that I ended up in such a stupid situation). So dear men, please don't give punches if you experience the same because in a lot of cases it is not mockery from the woman's side. Thank you in advance!
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