Freaky (2020)
This was such a wonderful surprise of a movie...
4 December 2020
As I sat down to watch the 2020 movie titled "Freaky", I must admit that I wasn't really expecting the movie to be very outstanding or memorable. But still, it had Vince Vaughn in it, so chances were that it would be watchable.

Turns out that "Freaky" was surprisingly good. This movie totally surprised me. I will say that the movie started out by having me thinking it was just a senseless rip-off of the "Friday the 13th" movies, but that all changed - and for the better.

The movie's storyline turned out to be one that brought suspense, comedy and thrills along with it, mixing the elements in a very enjoyable manner. I was genuinely entertained by what writers Michael Kennedy and Christopher Landon managed to deliver for "Freaky".

Now, if you think "Freaky Friday" meets "Friday the 13th", then you actually have the result that is "Freaky". I kid you not! And it works out so very, very well. And yeah, a body-swap horror comedy done the way that director Christopher Landon did with "Freaky" just worked marvelously.

I will say that Vince Vaughn definitely had nailed some iconic and classic Kane Hodder as Jason Voorhees moves and mannerisms in the beginning of the movie, and he pulled it off so very well. But when the story progressed and The Butcher (played by Vince Vaughn) switched bodies with Millie (played by Kathryn Newton) the movie took a turn for the better, and it become absolutely splendid.

And it should be said that there were so many nods towards established and well-known horror movies throughout the course of "Freaky", and that was just so much fun to pick up on.

"Freaky" was made so enjoyable and entertaining mostly by Vince Vaughn's performance as a teenage girl trapped in a hulking body of a mass murdered. There were just so many laughs to be had there, and his ways of delivering the dialogue, his expressions, his mannerisms and behavior all just came together so well for a very, very funny outcome.

This was definitely a very good movie, and I can highly recommend that you sit down to watch it if you have the chance. My rating of "Freaky" is a well-deserved seven out of ten stars. This movie was such a wonderful surprise.
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