Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
Best use of a paint can since Home Alone.
2 December 2020
The appealing Olivia DeJonge ("The Visit") stars as a teenaged babysitter looking after a pre-teen charge (Levi Miller, "Jasper Jones") at Christmastime. Soon, it seems as if they are being menaced by a psycho killer, but appearances can be deceiving. The plot takes a turn where the menace is coming from a place that DeJonge didn't expect.

Admittedly, for this viewer, this was rough going for a while, with too much bad dialogue and too many annoying characters. If you're anything like me, you'll build up such a contempt for the weaselly antagonist that you'll watch this through to the end in the hopes that they eventually get their comeuppance. And make no mistake: this person is despicable, using and manipulating others to their hearts' content. As the story deepens, co-writer / director Chris Peckover is able to maintain a compelling grimness as these macabre "games" are played out.

The cast does a good job with their roles, with DeJonge remaining angry and feisty throughout, never giving up the fight. She, at least, gives the audience a character with rooting interest. Ed Oxenbould ("Paper Planes"), Aleks Mikic ('Preacher'), and Dacre Montgomery ('Stranger Things') co-star, with token name actors / veterans Virginia Madsen ("Candyman") and Patrick Warburton ('Seinfeld') relegated to brief cameo appearances as Millers' parents.

This viewer has tried not to spoil too much here, knowing that potential viewers will appreciate this more if THEY don't know what to expect. I will say this: the filmmakers clearly do know how to manipulate their audience and get them involved; this is a purely visceral movie.

Six out of 10.
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