A Twist of Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
I personally expected a better robot?
20 November 2020
Both leads are quite obnoxious to start with, but ease in to more acceptable human beings as the film moves on.

The toy mix up is a fine build up to a romance, I've seen something like it with De-Niro and Streep (No idea what it's called), but the carry on that follows here is a bit daft and hard to believe, I'm not sure any of my bosses would ever have been that understanding.

To be honest, I can't see why the female lead didn't just throw herself at Brendan Zub's feet the moment she saw him, he is very handsome as bad almost Godlike, but he was being a bit rude at the time I suppose.

It would be nice if we lived in a world where people can meet in bad circumstances, but forgive that first impression later on to maybe fall in love. Hey ho.

A good cast, nobody stood out as bad at least and they got up to Christmassy things. Brendan should have been naked at some point though, so it loses points for not achieving that.
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