I was prepared for the worst, but...
19 November 2020
...but it was not bad at all. The situation is not unusual for the genre (strongman vs usurper queen/king to save oppressed populace), but the matriarchal setting sets it apart from most of the rest. I only recall one other, but that was deliberately staged as a slapstick comedy whereas this film, despite some humorous moments, is played in earnest. The historical accuracy...well, none of us really go to these films for a history lesson, do we? Besides, this film doesn't reflect an historical period or even pretend to. Existing outside the flow of history, the mishmash of elements (Phyrgian caps, Peoples of the Sea helmets, the names Thor and Babylon, the use of Greek lipstick, Egyptian khol eyeshadow, and steel weaponry) are not as jarring as they would have been in a more standard historical milieu. The pacing is not bad, but could have been better, as could have been the role of Thor in the actual overthrow of the Queen. Still, the lack of focus on Thor and reduced screen time does allow more character development among the Amazons and their women gladiators. While the Queen existed mostly to monologue the justification of her rule, the real characterization was developed through her eyes, the dead gaze of a sociopath no longer able derive any emotions from the wielding of absolute power and spectacle of atrocity.
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