"Hey, scratch and sniff!"
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Notwithstanding all those viewers who found this movie to be fun, cute and adorable, I have to wonder if any of them were paying attention to the actual story. I mean seriously, who in their right mind would confess to a murder they didn't commit, whether they were seeking attention or not. I just can't fathom the premise of this story, even if it was meant to be a romantic comedy of sorts. And later on, when Betty Lou's (Penelope Ann Miller) attorney (Alfre Woodard) finds out that she didn't actually kill Amos Lansing (the poor sap didn't get a cast credit), she has a melt down out of all proportion to what she just found out. You would think Betty Lou NOT killing Amos would have been a good thing and a positive for her court trial. But I guess the picture never intended to go in that direction. I even have to question the actions of Cajun Mafia gangster Billy Beaudine, who when he finds out that Betty might be in possession of a blackmail tape that Lansing had, instead of going after her or sending one of his goons, he calls her on the phone! What?!?! Sorry if I'm bursting anyone's bubble here, but a movie ought to have at least some semblance of credibility to it and this one didn't have any. Let me close out with one more. When Betty Lou was released from custody, how the heck did Reba obtain a 'get out of jail card' too? See what I mean?
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