The Darling Buds of May (1991–1993)
What can one possibly say but this is absolutely perfick.
9 November 2020
Our family came across this show on the box some time back and both Nonie and I instantly took to it.

We both loved the notion of the country idyll though not on a farm as that really is a full time commitment, I don't mind farm animals but I don't want to tend them.

Nonie certainly loves horses though personally I can take them or leave them alone taking them at all in only small quantities.

I am not familiar with Kent or its countryside and i must admit that it certainly looks picturesque, at least what we get to see of it in the show.

I would definitely like to take a butchers at it to see for myself, making sure of taking my camera with me to endeavour to capture the scenery.

I have never read any of the books that this was based on so I have absolutely no notion whatsoever, just how much it manages to capture the essence of the stories.

It just occurred to me that in a sense its something of a shame that David Jason was cast as Pop Larkin, why? Well because he is just so closely associated certainly in mind with Del Boy Trotter, it would have been better if someone else had the role. Though for the life of me having throughly enjoyed, all of the shows episodes. And the almost innumerable time of viewing them, I can't imagine anyone else in the role.

We have a wonderful family cast in an ideal country paradise, though of course in reality it would be a hard working and full time life.

The entire cast with the possible exception of Philip Franks are most definitely well placed in their roles, such that they seem tailor made for the characters.

Why single out Philip Franks? Well he does seem something of a wet blanket, but then I suppose that is the entire point of his character. Cedric Charlton lands quite literally, into the Larkins lives as the proverbial fish out of water. No matter what pop says on the matter I can't help feeling that Cedric, is an altogether perfect name for this monumental stuffed shirt.
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