7 November 2020
Without ruining the story but I have no idea what I watched. Another poor Vinnie Jones outing (must have been one of those I did it for the money jobs). Vinnie Jones's character Teague (a traitor to his team and country) is quite unbelievable and unintimidating considering the big up speech they have him at the start.

The dialogue is laughable and a poor effort, lots of one liners but no substance. The fight scenes unimaginative and uninspiring. Supposedly supposed to be a great black ops team but you wouldn't think so from the quality of their attacks and getting beaten so easily (looks like the best rep is not deserved). Also you can see people taking a hit when a kick out punch is still a distance away - at least with wrestling you expect a fake pantomime coreographed fight but this is seriously poor action film making at its worst. All smart dialogue and no substance.

Overall very predictable story and poor acting from pretty much Z listers.

If they spent more time writing a decent script and less time coming up with stupid quips and time wasting dialogue this could have been much better. Two out of ten is generous - it would have been 1/10 if I haven't seen worse before. Also why all the pausing when attacking someone - coming up with a corny one liner seems more important.

I wouldn't waste your time watching this when there are plenty of decent action movies out there. I'll update my review if it imprints but so far - half way in I am unimpressed and close to switching off.
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