Stirring and moving loving comedy with romance , imagination and songs
2 November 2020
Rocío Durcal's amusing sentimental comedy with mirth , fun and loving conflicts. it deals with a young girl , Rocio Durcal, son of a poor cabman : Ismael Merlo, she works as a delivery girl for a model walk . Then , the chief : Rafael Alonso , hires her as a model girl and she gets a big hit. Along the way , she goes to a party when meets a suitor , an upper class young , but his jealous girlfriend threatens Rocío.

This is an entertaining and funny dramedy proceeded in great simplicity and delicacy with plenty of vitality , humor and vivid imagination. A fun story very freely based on Cinderella tale , while another Rocío Durcal movie : "Tengo 17 Años" was based on Snow White and seven Dwarfs . A coming-of-age story in which Rocio Durcal seeks for love , and she finds it on the person of a snooty higher-class young , but she is also romanced for a lower-class young : Carlos Romero Marchent . As the question of the movie results to be guess who really falling of love for Rocio. Well performed by Rocio Durcal , the popular teen of the sixties discovered by producer Luis Sanz when participated as a TV singer contest called Primer Aplauso or First Applause. His films debut were 1962 Cancion de Juventud by Luis Lucía and Rocio dela Mancha, following Deanna Durbin's Hollywood style . Later on , she played in 1965 Mas Bonita que Ninguna , Acompañame, Buenos Días Condesita and Cristina Guzman, all of them shot by Luis Cesar Amadori. As an adult actress she performed the musical Las Leandras by Eugenio Martin and La Novicia Rebelde by Luis Lucía, a peculiar version of La Hermana de San Sulpicio .Moreover , Rocio attempted to change her traditional style with Marianela 1972 by Angelino Fons , Diselo con flores 1974 and an erotic film with Barbara Rey titled Me Siento Extraña .These films failed at boxoffice then she became a famous singer of popular Mexican songs and Rancheras, getting big hits all over the World.

This is a Spanish/Italian coproduction being professionally directed by Sergio Grieco. This Italian filmmaker was an artisan who made all kinds of genres. As he directed adventures, Peplum , action and trillers such as : Sergeant Klems , SOS agent 017, Rififi in Ámsterdam, The Mysterious Swordsman , Lucrezia Borgia , La regina del Tartaro, Capitano di Ferro , Pirates of the Black Hawk , Salambo , La Belva col Mitra, International Charade, among others.
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