Family Guy: Peter-assment (2010)
Season 8, Episode 14
Terrible moral
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Peter gets his glasses broken so he has to wear contacts, resulting in his boss Angela to see him in a different way. Then Angela just grabs Peter's butt and acts very creepy to him now.

And of course Peter is traumatized by this and tells Lois. But Lois says men can't be sexually harassed by women. NO. That is wrong. Anyone can be sexually harassed by anyone no matter what gender they are.

So next Peter goes through hell by Angela continuing to harass him. Then Peter gets the idea to have Quagmire hide in his shirt and have sex with Angela. But it doesn't work when she finds out. Then she fires Peter and he becomes relieved.

But later Peter sees Angela trying to kill herself, so he rescues her. And then we get the moral which is botched up. According to this episode, it's ok for a lady to rape a man if she's lonely. NO. Lonely or not, ladies do NOT have a right to rape men. So that should've been the moral, but instead we get a terrible one.

Overall: This episode sucks
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