Soulmates (II) (2020)
Could get better
18 October 2020
The problem with this show is in the storytelling. So far as I have seen (episode 2) the acting is okay, the sets are white, the camera is...shaky but where it really fails is the scripts because (at least to me) the characters' actions are extremely illogical and unlike anything an actual human with a semi-operative brain would do! Married? Maybe don't sign up for essentially a cheater's dating app?! Soulmates? Then how come you have as many problems as other couples do?! Someone hacked your account? REPORT THEM???? It's clearly a stalker???!!! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop but so far this story is not provocative, it doesn't push the viewer to question anything. It's just frustrating because right out the gate, the show takes the soulconnex or whatever system as word of god so it doesn't even attempt to question the most questionable fact of the show! It's just bizarre. It focuses on the human factor and attempts to explore how humans deal with the situation but I find this absolute trust in some company that claims to find soulmates so stupid. It sounds like something that would become a trend on twitter for 2 weeks and then 3 years later you hear about it again and the owner has been arrested for fraud! The story is not committed to being science-fiction. They could just make a show about relationships without the science stuff and it would be the exact same thing with slightly different terminology. Now I am still on episode two so the show might get better later but so far, I'm mildly amused/frustrated as I watch the characters deliberately not ask the right questions. I also specifically hate the background music. It's very generic and creepy and it doesn't indicate emotional cues for the story very well.
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