Warp Speed (1981 TV Movie)
Interesting ideas let down by too low a budget
16 October 2020
As is often the case, a good idea is not given proper chance to be realised due to too low a budget. This is a made for TV movie with token guest star Adam West hamming it up as the captain of a space mission to Saturn, that has been mysteriously cut short, and the ship and crew disappeared. An investigation sees the ship traced but empty, and a psychic - Camille Mitchell - brought on board , to try and find out what has happened to the missing crew. The film is hampered by some pretty low rent sets and model work, and the acting is perfunctory at best, but it does score a few points for its interesting plot, and it works on a more cerebral level than an action movie, which will either keep you going with it, or switching off with boredom, as it is a bit talky and slow at times.

I caught this on Talking Pictures TV, a UK freeview channel which largely shows vintage British films, along with a handful of US titles here and there. It is just the sort of channel that brings up oddities like this film, and for the tolerant, this film provides a reasonably entertaining 90 minutes.
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