Hunter x hunter style
10 October 2020
I have joined the world of "Hunter x Hunter" not that long ago and for now have only 4 seasons of the 2011th edition watched and now also this. I became a huge fan of Gon and Killua friendship and pairing overall. I also absolutely love warmhearted and somewhat goofy but still loyal Leorio and Kurapika who is overcoming tragic past and finding new friends. In my ppinion this movie represents those characters greatly and does not betray them in any way. In fact it is the opposite. The inner struggle of Killua, Gon's undying loyalty, Kurapika's determination as well as the challenge of facing his tragic past! Seeing Leorio again made this movie so much better for me. I am also a huge fan of Hisoka and his story line, and was ecstatic to see him join the good fight and show off. Something we do not see at all till season 4. I honestly liked it and afterwards it felt very good. Like I haven't seen my friends in a long time, and now we all got a chance to catch up a bit, and they haven't chabged a bit (in a good way). We have to part our ways now, but we will see each other again. You know that feeling, right? So, in my case it was 10/10 because of all this positivity and emotions. I hope and wish that everyone who decides to watch it experiences same positive feelings. Enjoy it!
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