Barely Lethal (2015)
Seriously... what other movie blends action, comedy, thriller, teen romance, coming of age, and a BADASS fight scene?
9 October 2020
Imagine rifling through your DVD collection and grabbing Salt, Get Smart, 16 Candles & Fatal Attraction and throwing them all into a blender. Aside from getting a lot of DVD splinters in your face, you'll get an experience like none other.

"Barely Lethal" is the story of a teenage girl who is a highly trained assassin but she can't survive a week in high school. The setup is brilliant. Almost satirical, but not quite, it takes us to the realm of utter absurdity, but underneath it all is a solid metaphor about the difficulties of adolescence. This is a timeless story which is why it's fun for all ages & demographics. I'm male and old enough that I saw "The Breakfast Club" in the movie theater when it came out ...and I loved this flick.

If you are prepared for some wild wtf swings in plot, tone, theme and presentation (or even better, if you can see it as part of this film's charm) then you might love this flick, too. In the Making-Of bonus features, you can see that the entire cast is having a blast and acting like teenagers during filming. This translates into great on-screen chemistry as well as some genuine silly fun. As 40-year-old Dan Fogler (the hilarious Mr. Drumm) says, "My maturity level definitely dropped a few points."

The comedy is mostly situational; in other words there aren't a ton of punchline gags & snappy zingers, but there are several great LOL moments worth the price of admission. There are also some wonderfully unexpected role-reversals, such as the scene where our nerdy heroine meets the cheerleader gang for the first time. And I saved the best for last: the climactic fight scene! Physically impressive, dramatically intense, and logistically HILARIOUS (it happens on the dance floor at homecoming), the action in this flick may be over the top, but that's sorta the point. A+ for originality in being the only teen romance flick in history which takes us to a knockdown, dragout, punchbowl shattering fight scene at a dance. If you can get past the "wtf" factor, you'll have a great time.
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