The Attic (1980)
Sad and engrossinging character study
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lonely, repressed, and browbeaten librarian Louise Elmore (a fine and moving performance by Carrie Snodgress) dedicates her life to taking care of her mean and domineering control freak invalid father Wendell (superbly played to the hateful and nasty hilt by Ray Milland). However, Louise begins to crack under the pressure and finds herself sinking into a deep pit of madness and despair.

Director George Edwards relates the involving story at a deliberate pace, ably crafts a brooding melancholy atmosphere that's rife with sadness and hopelessness, and pulls out the grim stops at the nightmarish conclusion. The thoughtful script by Edwards and Troy Crechales makes a strong poignant central point on how bad parents can ruin the lives of their children. Snodgress and Milland do sterling work in their roles; they receive sturdy support from Ruth Cox as Louise's eager and perky gal pal Emily Perkins, Rosemary Murphy as Emily's demurely overbearing mother Mrs. Perkins, Frances Bay as a co-worker, and Marjorie Eaton as snoopy old hen Mrs. Fowler. The downbeat ending packs a devastating punch. Further enhanced by Gary Graver's handsome cinematography and Hod David Schudson's mournful score, this gloomy, yet still absorbing and affecting movie is well worth a watch.
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