Three times the Naschy, but not three times the fun.
4 October 2020
Stealing from the dead... that's bad ju-ju! Sure enough, a pair of tomb-robbers are soon pushing up daisies themselves, killed by the reanimated corpse they were pinching stuff from. Raised from the dead via voodoo, female zombies are being used by a masked maniac intent on retribution and immortality. Can he be stopped before he completes his diabolical mission?

Spanish horror star Paul Naschy smears some coffee on his face (or perhaps he just has a good tan) to play the part of an Indian guru named Krisna. Naschy also takes on two other roles in this cheesy piece of Euro-schlock: the devil (in a brief dream sequence), and Krisna's disfigured older brother Kantaka, who is seeking revenge on those responsible for his hideous countenance.

Directed by León Klimovsky, who also helmed Naschy's The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman and Dr. Jekyll vs. The Werewolf, this is quite the mash-up, the muddled script by its star featuring Eastern mysticism, voodoo rituals, and a giallo-style masked killer, with nudity and gore, all accompanied by a totally inappropriate jazzy soundtrack. It sounds like there's something for everyone, but the film suffers from a plodding pace and a lack of focus that makes it hard to give a damn. By the end of the film, I didn't have a scooby what was going on (who was that woman who kills Kantaka? I must have nodded off somewhere).

The action supposedly takes place in England, although the sound of chirping crickets at night suggest that it was actually filmed somewhere a little warmer, like Spain perhaps (the countryside certainly looks more Mediterranean than anywhere in the UK). A security guard also carries a gun - not in good old blighty - and the locomotive that pulls into the fictional village of Llangwell doesn't look like any British train I've ever seen (not that I'm a 'spotter'). I'm not looking for absolute factual accuracy in my Euro-trash, but a little effort could have been made.

On a more positive note, the women are attractive, and there's a smattering of gore: a man gets an axe in the face, there's a juicy close-up of a stabbing, and we get a surprisingly impressive decapitation (the severed head tilting over to reveal the spurting neck wound!).

3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
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