Nope. Nuh-uh. There's funny and then there's tasteless. Too much of the latter and not enough of the former to keep me watching.
23 September 2020
I wanted to share a specific insight with those of you who read my reviews. It involves those films that get a "1" rating, because I simply cannot stomach them in any kind of fashion.

The first was BRUISER. George A. Romero decided he wanted to do something other than zombies, and, like Michael Jordon trying to play baseball, we all just kind of went along with it, because Romero, like Jordan, is brilliant at what he does.

But what Jordan does/did was BASKETBALL. What Romero did was ZOMBIES.

So when he tried to do a movie about a man who, when putting on a mask, becomes some kind of righteous killer who wipes out those that are morally criminal in nature, all to the determent of his own existence, with the kind of pacing that made me want to tear my eyeballs out of their sockets, he FAILED.

My then-girlfriend and I had to fast-forward through the movie just to get to the end. None of it was worth the trouble.

So I gave it my lowest rating. I'm forced to do the same here, but I have to explain WHY.

The original HAROLD & KUMAR was by far not a brilliant piece of filmmaking. But for what it lacked in majesty, it made up for in laughs. I DID laugh quite a bit through WHITE CASTLE, regardless of the quality of the jokes or the lack of a reasonable plot. What the heck, it wasn't too bad.

But then my CURRENT gal and me decided to watch THIS. And like most sequels, it failed to live up to the original.

Worse, however, is that it failed completely as a movie. We made it as far as the dude who's having a bottomless-party, to the part where he stands up to reveal his tiny member and forest-like nether regions. For those of you that laughed, godspeed.

For me and my girl, it was curtains.

You shouldn't have to force yourself to like things. Either you do, or you don't. While WHITE CASTLE was a pleasant surprise, THIS pile of gunk was as typical as it gets. You can't catch lightning in a bottle twice. From the Guantanamo Bay guards wanting b-jobs to the relentlessly stupid jackass who was constantly pursing Harold and Kumar as terrorists, there was more horribly bad than somewhat good.

So it goes to the dumpster. I didn't finish this movie, and that means it gets my worst rating. Does that mean you shouldn't watch it?

I suppose that's up to you.
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