Survival Zone (1983)
Zone Burn Out...
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A family of farmers take on a gang of cannibal motorcycle bikers in a post apocalypse wasteland, while joining forces with a stranger. Survival Zone has a workable premise, but it's filmed, directed and acted like a third rate Million Dollar Man rip off. In fact with so much barbarism and brute force that this genre brings, it's amazing how completely boring this movie is. It feels more like a dreadful retread of Last House On The Left or Straw Dogs then it does Mad Max and yet the film just lumbers to it's unexciting conclusion. Characters are nondescript, action is weak and suspense is nil. Survival Zone than is an absolute low point in a genre that said output rarely rates higher than a 2 star rating. The type of movie so repetitive, redundant and ridiculous that it doesn't end so much as it sags and limps to it's long overdue ending.

0 Out Of 4-(Bottom Of The Barrel)
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