Beyond the Bermuda Triangle (1975 TV Movie)
CBS late night movie
18 September 2020
Let me get this right out in the open, because I, and probably you, can tell there's no way this hit the big screens back in 1975. The version I recently watched was broadcast on CBS in the spring of 1978, and I have to admit that I have an affinity for CBS movies, usually from the late 70's to early 80's. It's too bad most everything is reality garbage today, but there was a time when watching a TV film was special. I'll try not to give away too much, because oddly enough, not that much DOES happen at all, although there are some solid acting from Fred MacMurray, Donna Mills, someone named Sam Groom, and a very young Dana Plato. This is Mac Murray's second to last film, and it appears that it's Plato's first credited role. Anyway, I was never a huge fan of special effects, but in this case, I feel it could've been warranted, as we're left to assume that folks simply go missing, but we're not treated to anything visually stimulating, other than a ship's compass going haywire a few times. It's only 74 minutes long, and it's worth watching at least once, especially if you're interested in the mystery of the real Bermuda Triangle. Watch it online for free, rather than spend money on it, and maybe you'll enjoy it more that way. The ending was perhaps a tad predictable, but it certainly didn't hurt the film overall, especially the solid performances by all.
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