Review of Hamilton

Hamilton (2020)
Watching Hamilton, I felt like a millionaire
18 September 2020
... But I'm not. So maybe thats why I didn't get what was so special about this. I mean, unlike a lot of people who didn't like Hamilton, I was not turned off by the diversity or rap music in this musical. This is obviously a modern take on Hamilton, and for the most part that works quite well. However, I'm not going to declare Hamilton as perfection purely due to the diversity of its cast and music. It seems like coastal elitists have promoted this movie so much in part because of that - due to their virtue signalling and white guilt. Well, I've never used any of that as a basis to evaluate the quality of a musical. Rather, I consider the acting, the writing, the music, the production values, and the message.

And for the most part, Hamilton is pretty solid all around. The acting and production values deserve special mention. The choreography and music, are solid but somewhat inferior to some other broadway musicals.

The writing, though, is a bit of a problem. As far as an adoption of Hamilton's life, the musical is neither accurate nor a very entertaining dramatization of his life. Furthermore, its upsetting that Hamilton doesn't even bother touching on some of the more interesting ideas Hamilton had, and how those could apply to the modern situation in the country. Obviously, such ideas would be uncomfortable to the millionaire coastal elites watching this musical, so they've been left out. But as a result of that, I at least don't view this as being very culturally significant. If anything, it is extremely inoffensive.
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