tv show 5 paragraph essay
17 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Did you know about tv shows? Yesterday I watched jonni phillips makes a better tv show than alec did, and it was one of them. There was music, alot of ideas, and good morals.

First, there was music. When I started watching the show there was a loud highpitch sound. At first I was scared, and then there was a guitar so it was okay. During the show sometimes jonni says something funny and then a guitar plays while the next scene loads, which is cool. There was even a song at the end!

In Addition, there was alot of ideas. When I started watching the tv show jonni said that she is evil, and does not like alec. during the tv show she comes up with all sorts of ideas, like slugs and no cars, but no one listens and loves alec instea.d this made me upset because the ideas would be really good but everyone likes alec instead. But it's ok though because in the end he gets what he deserves!

Finally, good morals. There was good morals. Even though jonni is evil which is kind of scary, in the end she did it and won. This made me happy because she tried really hard and pereservered through a whole life of people liking alec.

As you can see, jonni phillips makes a better tv show than alec did is a has music, alot of ideas, and good morals. You should watch it if you know how to type in credit card. What tv shows have you watched!
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