There was a hit pop song in the second half of the 1900's that went something . . .
17 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . like "Everybody should get pied." That seems to be the idea behind KEYSTONE HOTEL, but of course Our Modern 21st Century has put a sinister spin on this offering from the always eponymous Warner Bros. While the mindless finale of the entire cast getting pie-eyed allows the Prophetic Prognosticators of Warner to foreshadow this week's ranting from the core-supporting ilk that all of us should acquire their "scourge" to promote "herd immunity," this alert may have been too subtle to preempt the Brainless Bunch's current crimes against U.S. Humanity. (Of course, the side benefit of this "culling" process is to liquidate millions of Medicare and Medicaid recipients, freeing up even more trillions to enrich a handful of American Oligarchs.) Certainly such a sobering "comedy" will leave many of Today's viewers crying in their beer, now that the chicken pot pies are coming home to roost in our faces and lungs in Real Life!
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