Masterpiece of the old good Greek cinema!
16 September 2020
An amazing comedy, with a HUGE/GREAT cast of the best Greek actors! Its by far (much far) the best "Loafing & Camouflage" films (there are 3)...

Its setup about when I was born, due the Greek Military Dictatorship (1967-1974). It "portraits" very lovely the political things in Greece back then, the anti-Communist fanatic feelings of the army, the secret left-wing folks trying to be undercover (and avoid arresting!), and of course the daily life of the drafted troops during that lunatic era of Greece...

I may didn't lived THAT army life (I've been drafted 20 years later from these events), but I know from my dad (uncles, etc) how they served in that period - and they found it VERY REALISTIC (and very very funny)!

Many of these young actors made their career from this film! All of them became SO FAMOUS from this film and they gained a lot great roles in next films.
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