Hands down, the best jungle western ever.
12 September 2020
I saw this feature for the first time a very long time ago, when I was a kid. And I also saw every of each other Tarzan adventure, including, Johnny, Lex, Jock, Ron and so ...But this one is far better than any of those, not because of Gordon. Neither despite him, because he was a rather good Tarzan. This film is above the rest because it is dark, gruesome, brutal, with no comedy elements with Cheetah always jumping and performing faces. And no Jane either, but there is a replacement Jane, just to put some female touch in the movie, to attract a few of the usual audiences I guess. What i loved the most in this movie is the baddies depiction. Each individual is, more or less, focused on: Sean Connery's character tells about his IRA fight in the past, the gal, the heavy in chief - Tony Quayle, outstanding - girl friend, in love with him, but he is only interested not even in the diamond bullion, but in killing, slaughtering,wiping out, especially Tarzan; the other Quayle's sidekick killed his father when he was a kid and was sent his jail for fifteen years, only loved by his Mom, with the photo in the locket....You see, you have here elements that you don't have in other Tarzan material. And the setting is also interesting, the little boat on the river surrounding this character scheme. And above all, this is a pursuit film, as in a western. Yes, that's it, a western in the jungle. Don't miss this one, please. If there is ONLY one Tarzan to be seen that's this one. But, beware, that doesn't mean the other are craps, no.
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