Interview with a Vampire Family
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this film is in the old "Found Footage" category, with my usual complaint about Found Footage films, that it's is improbable that anyone would keep filming when horrific death and violence is going on all around them. This is emphasized by the character with the camera constantly being yelled at to put down the camera.

That said, an investigative reporter discovers that vampires are real and they are getting food from blood banks. They are invited to visit a vampire family, who try to convince them despite the blood drinking and immortality, they are just as normal as you are.

Except, it quickly devolves into a chamber of horrors, with sacrifice rituals and general murder and mayhem. Our heroes are eventually picked off, but expose the vampires. Hooray, I guess.

Writing that out, I'm actually taking it down a couple stars. It has a good cast, but the leaps in logic just take me out of the movie.
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