Better then I thought it would be based on its rating
31 August 2020
The film (without spoilers): Get my initial thoughts down first - Its story essentially a story of friendship. There are very few scenes where I was getting bored, and that's generally a really good sign for me. Unlike most big Hollywood films coming out these days - where I just get bored to tears watching all the pretty GCI and trying to figure out what the point of the film is. The pacing is good, there is a nice introduction phase where you watch a pair of shoes walking around, then you are introduced to Boyka... I mean Frenchy... then we are treated to a bit of action followed by an explanation of the mission. Then the films has three distinct parts of the job with road trip mixed with action scenes with little bits of the plot delivered so you can start to paint a full picture of the story. Then you have the friends fighting with each other and go their separate ways, followed by the big showdown.

The good: There is just enough plot to hold this film together. The interplay between Frenchy and Sue is entertaining and (fortunately) makes up most of the film. The rest of the acting is not great to be honest, but as I say, there is not too much of that and its passable. The action scenes are generally fun to watch.

The bad: It probably a low budget film, so I am not going to get too fussy about the slightly badly timed blood squib bursts and such things. But I will say that the final gun battle is fairly terrible. There are people just standing up emptying clips at each other and only rarely does someone actually get hit. There are two dudes just firing their assault riffles the whole time, never moving, not even for the 4-5 grenades that are fired at them... I never had a grenade fired at me in a closed space, but I am pretty sure that just one of those bad boys would floor me :o..... but perhaps they ran out of money for actors and had to make them last while the rest of the story played out ....

I really did not like Sue at the start, but his character grows on you and by the end I routing for him.

Summary I found it quite entertaining, probably won't watch it again, but I might!
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