A beautiful film teaching love and a tank creates ambition.
28 August 2020
Personal Rating: 8/10 (very good)

This movie paints a picture of a beautiful day but then adds gloomy rain clouds. However, you don't have to look too closely to notice the rainbow, the thing of beauty, that shines through.

Right from the onset, you know what's coming, for over an hour you just wait, smiling through the highs, laughing at the humorous lines, and grow anxious during the lows, but nothing prepares you for how the movie concludes.

There were two themes this movie impressed upon me, two reasons I would implore you to watch this film. The sacrifices made by a loving parent. There's nothing that compares it goes beyond all human logic and reasoning because it's motivated by love.

Ultimately, life is beautiful. Having a beautiful life does not mean having a perfect one, always smiling and laughing, no, life has ups and downs that's what makes life life. It's up to us to decide whether or not to make life beautiful, to never let go of the highs and let them carry us through the lows. When you feel at your worse like you can't go on, it's focussing on how close you are to 1000 points, that will keep you going.

Win that tank.
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