Ban Steel Jaw Traps
27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert: Don't read my review until you've seen the movie.

My housemate was giving this film high praise and, as per usual, started to tell me the entire story. No matter how many times I say, "Don't tell me, just let me watch it," he can't help himself.

Thus, I decided to watch "Brothers of the Wind" right away, before Mr. Blabbermouth could ruin it all for me.

First impression: Kinda hokey. Done before. Slow. Nice scenery.

But my heart was soon captured by the sublime cinematography and magnificent staging of the scenes. My wonder at "How the HELL did they get the Eagles to do THAT?" kept me glued to the screen. Phenomenal scene after phenomeanal scene. Some real jaw-droppers.

A s--t ton of admiration for whomever it was who trained those Eagles. Amazing, the things those birds did.

The estranged father and son with elderly compassionate mediator storyline/plot is a bit ho-hum. Been-done-already type thing and fairly predictable.

What happens with the Eagles is not even mildly predicatable and gets your blood running both hot and cold. Without even realizing it, you suddenly find yourself completely engrossed and hanging off the edge of your seat. What's gonna happen next?!? (Although there are still some fairly predicatable things that do occur.)

As other reviewers have said, the Eagles really steal the show. The human portrayals are well-acted, although I could have done with a few less close ups of "Lukas" looking skyward with his pouty lips parted in wonder . . .

I hope the film gets the message across to viewers that 1) Steel Jaw Traps are abominable and need to be banned worldwide and 2) Golden Eagles are wonderful birds and should be protected and cherished.

Here in the USA Bald eagles are thriving, but the Goldens are in a bit of trouble. Habitat loss and other problems.

I hope humans will always fight to help threatened and endangered species. One of the best things you yourself can do is to STOP AT TWO. If you must have children, then please please have the good sense not to contribute more than two to the world population. That act alone can help the planet more than you know. Oh----and don't hunt or otherwise torment animals. Don't support hunters, especially trophy hunters . . . scum of the Earth.
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