23 August 2020
This is the first time I rate something with 1 star, there's nothing remarkable about this, it feels unfinished.

Having seen the original film and having read about the controversy sorrounding it I was excited to see this, even more so knowing James Franco made it.

But there's absolutely nothing, not even some information about that lost footage, how it got lost, what sort of things it contained, studio decisions that led to that, William Friedkin's opinion, no nothing, just people talking and talking about gayness I guess.

James Franco also talks about how he wants to do this to sort of fight ''straight-normativity'' because in every commercial, every love story is always a man and a woman. Well, the reality is the world will always be ''straight-normative'' because the vast majority of the world is heterosexual and will always be. I am tired of hearing this hetenormative BS as if it was the greatest evil in the world. Besides, showing this hyper sexualized and promiscous side of gay culture is not the best way to ''fight'' that.

It is no recreation of the lost footage, it's just backstage stuff that feels like a youtube vlog, wasted opportunity to make an informative and interesting documentary.
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