High Score (2020)
Watching this for game stuff? You picked the wrong series.
23 August 2020
I'll just say I'm "old" for sake of conversation. Been a gamer since Atari. Like many life long gaming people I know my gaming history. Likewise I expected this series to be about games, the thing it says its about.

Oh, I should mention this series is made by "France Costrel". Why does that matter? She makes documentaries about race relations, LGBT and other social stuff. Which explains this series not really being about gaming.

Well we will ignore the fact the series ignores many consoles and games, it instead focuses on random people. What kind of people? Some man who is now a woman who won a tournament once for an Atari game. A man who worked in early gaming who is black. Another man who is a LGBT man....etc.

Listen, you can be whatever you want. That's fine with me. But this series just seemed to focus on, for lack of better words, "SJW" type stuff. Again, normally I wouldn't care. But if a series is about gaming you would think it would be about gaming. Not random people. Feels like Netflix is trying to be diverse in EVERY thing they do instead of just sticking to the subject they claim a series is about.

And trust me they make a point for you to know the life story of these people. Random people. People that really don't have anything big to do with gaming. If they wanted to focus on that stuff and diversity, maybe they should have called it something like "High Score: Diversity in Gaming" or something along those lines. I probably would have watched it.

Instead I got my hopes up for something that wasn't even very good at all. That aside, as I said somethings were wrong or totally skipped over. Pong? Nah. Pacman and Asteroids were the "first games" they said. Really?

By the end of the series they barely get to SNES gaming. And they can't forget to add the controversy of violent games. If you game then you already know the history of this stuff. Nothing new. This all felt more like someone newer to gaming making a long video on Youtube instead of a big company making something that was supposed to be great.

So my advice? Skip this. If you want a proper series just watch something on youtube. Heck there are other gaming related things on Netflix that are better.
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