Review of Double Mommy

Double Mommy (2016 TV Movie)
Two Babies, Two Daddies
11 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In life, timing is everything. That adage is no more apparent than in the phenomenon of superfecundation, which is the rare occurrence of twin babies conceived from two different biological fathers. Superfecundation is the reason that Jess is carrying twins, and the unfolding drama of "Double Mommy" is the justice that is sought for this young, victimized mother.

While Ryan, the boyfriend of Jess, was away, his friend and soccer teammate Brent Davick took advantage of the situation by drugging Jess at a party and raping her. After Ryan's return, Jess discovers that she is pregnant with twins by different fathers. But through the money of the wealthy Davick family, she is unable to prosecute Brent.

One by one, witnesses are bought off by the powerful patriarch Scott Davick, who is grooming Brent to take over the family business. Scott and his wife Candace cover for their son. Scott had previously bought off another young woman, Emily, when Brent had committed another felony act. When Candace discovers the drugs used by her son to incapacitate the women, she dumps them down into the garbage disposal.

It is only due to the courage and tenacity of Jess and Ryan that the truth about Brent Davick is slowly revealed to the community. The Davick clan seems to believe that because they have money and privilege and their son is an honors' student, he should not be prosecuted for his heinous offenses. But, at heart, Brent is a criminal. Jess and Ryan eventually find a way to expose ol' number 18 on the soccer field during a game.

The film's climax was a frantic race to stop an out-of-control Brent after he grabs his father's gun and makes a beeline for Jess. The filmmakers even added a denouement with gallows humor when Candace pays a visit to little grandson Charlie and expresses high hopes for his future, due to his genes. Once a Davick always a Davick!!!
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