Montreal Expos and 1969 Nostalgia...
10 August 2020
This movie which involve a young teen who is a baseball fan and player, will endear those who remember what 1969 meant.

The main reference is the first year that the former Montreal Expos from Major League Baseball (now the Washington Nationals since 2005) started and this brought a generation of kids dreaming to be on the baseball field one day with all the greats.

Martin dreams of being a baseball player with the Expos, however, the local team coach scratches him from the Aristocrats ball club. It's up to his father to bring the dream to his son (and also makes a tie with him) by building a team of rejects from that coach and plays exhibition games on a ragtag field...

Well, we hear a lot of references from 1969: the Expos first games, Bill Stoneman's no-hitter, the first man on the Moon, Woodstock, the Manson murders and so on...

A very interesting movie for baseball fans and 1969 nostalgia...
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