Don't Kill It (2016)
Killing Joke
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dolph Lundgren inspiredly plays a Cajun or Southern Demon Hunter Jebediah Woodley who joins forces with an FBI agent Pierce (The fetching Klebe) to capture a demon that possesses who ever kills it's host in this clever and far more lively(and hilarious) than it has any right to be Lundgren flick. Don't Kill It is a breath of fresh air for those of us who enjoyed the 80s action film starring our favorite action stars, only to be disappointed for the last couple of years due to how dull such were. Indeed, one started avoiding them because what was once cheesy fun is now merely tired and inept. Thankfully Don't Kill It, is inspired, clever and actually well directed. In fact I enjoyed this probably as much as I did the old school classics, everything about Don't Kill It is stylishly helmed, thought out and inspiredly scripted, even the opening for a sequel is creative. Indeed while you do wish there were maybe a slightly bigger budget, seeing Lundgren as a Southern fried gentleman who talks with a twang makes it all worthwhile. Not for all tastes perhaps, but as far as later Lundgren flicks go, Don't Kill It is pretty decent.

* *1/2 Out Of 4-(Pretty Good)
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