Painful...which is why you might LOVE this or absolutely HATE it.
26 July 2020
"The Earliest Show" is an internet series from Funny or Die that you'll either love or hate. This mostly depends on you, yes you. If you love humor where you cringe and perhaps die a little inside, you'll love the show. I love this sort of thing...such as the 'Veal Prince Orlof' episode of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". My wife, on the other hand, when she sees embarrassing things like this usually shouts out "CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!".

So what exactly am I talking about with "The Earliest Show"? Well, it's a mock morning TV show that goes from vacuous and dopey (like MOST morning shows) to cringe-worthy when one of the hosts asks his long-time girlfriend to marry him on the air...and she rejects him! Each succeeding episode shows this guy going through the various stages of grief...but in a very sick and over-the-top manner. As for his co-host, she is clueless about what to do as the show descends into madness. Funny? Yes...but painful.
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