24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sarah Connor (A way past her prime Linda Hamilton) joins forces with a Universal Soldier, er I mean Grace (Mackenzie Davis) who is a Super Soldier type that must protect a new savior of the future from a new Terminator, meanwhile Schwarzenegger returns as Carl, an old Terminator there to help. The gimmick this time is that the bad Terminator can split in two and, you know what, who cares? To be fair this one is technically well made and better than Genisys, the first action sequence with the semi is actually not bad and then it just adheres to the Terminator formula with absolutely no deviation from that tiresome formula. The action sequences rip off the later Fast and The Furious movies, the need to get Grace drugs and to cool her was done better in Universal Soldier and the movie often doesn't go anywhere organically, as the characters seem to have to go to point A so they can fight the Terminator, the Terminator just happens to be garbed as a border patrol agent when they're detained at the border and Sarah just happens to know blank who can the bomb to kill the Terminator, despite being off the grid for years. This movie often feels like it wasn't storyboarded right and because of it, it never builds any momentum after the first reel. Again their choice to make the original movies redundant will frustrate fans, but more importantly none of the characters here come close to the love angle of the first one or the family angle of 2, or even the downbeat urgency of 3. That said, Davis is actually not bad,though in battle she is no Van Damme and as usual it's good to see Hamilton and Schwarzenegger, but in all seriousness this series is long overdue for termination.

* * Out of 4-(Fair)
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