Uninstalled reboot
24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This time when Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney, who is utterly awful) goes back to 1984 Sarah Connor(Emilia Clarke, seriously miscast) is waiting with her own Terminator protector who quickly dispatches of a T1000 and the original Terminator, while John Connor who has been turned into a Terminator is hunting them and some other nonsense with a skynet app, ah who cares this movie is just horrible. As I look at my favorite 80s action guys that I liked (Van Damme,Seagal, Dolph, Norris and Dudikoff)and the catalog of movies they made, I don't think any of them made a movie this stupid. Like, this is SyFy original starting Don 'The Dragon' Wilson level of woeful. Indeed the action sequences are mediocre, Arnold is pretty good, but the movie just stinks. Like really stinks. Like the scent of week old Chinese take out. It should especially be mentioned how terrible Courtney is as Michael Biehn's replacement, withdrawing the whole paranoid underdog with a muscle headed jock who bickers with a would be sassy Clarke, who so charismatic as Dany on Game Of Thrones never seems to find the right note. All of this then, mixed with the convoluted time travel and godawful fanfiction amounts to Back To The Future Part II minus any of the invention, fun and charm. Terminator Genisys is a complete disaster and next to Batman and Robin, the nadir of Schwarzenegger's career.

* Out Of 4-(Bad)
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