Ten Years (2015)
Prophetic. Necessary viewing to understand the Hong Kong (and global) situation better
20 July 2020
A collection of Black Mirror-style short films, each themed around the Hong Kong independence issue.

Each of them hit home with solid points. Not one bad short in the bunch. Though, the 2nd one was difficult for me to understand on first viewing. I'm not sure if this is one that people from Hong Kong would have a better chance of understanding, or if it was just ambiguous and artsy for the sake of it.

While some of the shorts are heavily dramatized, the truth behind them are not at all exaggerated.

This came out in 2015 and is set during times between then and 2025. We're halfway there in 2020 now, and we can already see both Hong Kong and even my home-country, Australia, heading down this very dark path.

It is depressing to watch, for the majority of it. And it has every reason to be. But it ends with a small glimmer of hope.

People need to pay attention, and stop things from getting worse before it's too late. And though it may seem as though it is too late for Hong Kong, the film would like you to think otherwise.

Don't get used to crazy changes happening in the world, when these changes don't have to happen.

And no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, we could all benefit from thinking before following blindly.

Shorts ranked:

1. Self-Immolator - 9/10

2. Dialect - 9/10

3. Local Egg - 9/10

4. Extras - 8/10

5. Season of the End - ?/10

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