Aliens play the role of the trees from The Happening...
2 July 2020
Gave this film a watch considering I do enjoy Christopher Lee and Robert Vaughn and alien invasions! Well, this one was not too good as this thing came out the same year as Star Wars and while Star Wars still looks good to this day, the effects in this one are dated. I do not mean they look dated by today's standards, I mean they look quite dated for the year it was released as I have seen 50's alien films with better looking alien spaceships than the ones presented here which look like those dinner trays that have the lid over them at hotels when you order room service. Still though, I like the idea of a pleasure room...

The story starts out as a farmer is abducted by aliens and instead of getting probed, he gets presented with a beautiful alien woman he apparently makes love to (thankfully they omitted this part, I mean she was an attractive lady, but they guy not so much). Well a family is abducted and all of this is being done because the aliens are about to lose their planet so they want to take over ours. Sounds okay, until the invaders go to this underwater pyramid where there are more aliens from countless planets and they would not allow this attack. This makes the whole 'our planet is dying' thing not work, as the aliens in this pyramid are very helpful and would probably help the one's whose planet is about to explode due to a star going nova so there should be no need for them to annihilate the inhabitants on Earth by making them commit suicide. I mean, these people have a pleasure room, so you know they are cool! Oh, and Robert Vaughn is sort doing stuff too...

I am kind of baffled that Robert Vaughn got top billing in this film instead of Lee as Lee is in this thing a lot more and does more than Vaughn. I am still unsure why the cool aliens felt they needed his and a guy who look like Norm from Cheers help. They have been on Earth observing for a while, and have flown in space...what the hell can Robert Vaughn's character know about planets that they don't?

So, the film is kind of ruined by the whole good aliens because, once again, they are willing to help Earth so I am sure they would help the doomed planet too. Robert Vaughn's character almost seems pointless and tacked on to give this thing more run time rather than add anything interesting to the plot and I think the film could have been a bit more adult oriented and it would have been a more enjoyable watch. I mean, who wouldn't mind seeing more pleasure room!?!
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