Hitchcock, Kelly, Grant and a fun story. What more do you need?
19 June 2020
Personal rating - 7.8/10

To catch a thief is a timeless movie driven by a story that commands your attention. Though having a run time of an hour and 47 minutes, there isn't a dull moment I can think of. Between fast cuts, snappy dialogue, quick-paced storytelling, and your own desire to solve the mystery this movie presents makes the film absolutely fly by.

Grace Kelly and Gary Grant are absolutely marvellous in this film, embodying their characters and bringing the story to life. The dynamic between the two is fantastic on screen which the dialogue further complimented by being so well written, a real tribute to the screenplay as well as delivery.

The scene of the world has certainly changed since this movie came out so there are some questionable lines from male characters to female, I mention this merely as a disclaimer and not to lessen your view of the movie, as you do have to take into consideration the era in which it was made.

It should be noted that the camera work isn't mind blowing, editing merely okay, and multiple parts that could've done with less exposition and more storytelling through visuals. But that aside, you're here to watch a good story, and that this film is!

It's a watch again kind of movie for me!
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