Single by 30 (2016)
Major yikes. Please read? lol
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so...where to begin. In short, this was probably the worst show I have ever watched...and that hurts to say, because WongFu has beautiful short films, and I have been a fan for a long time.

Here's the longer explanation:

The main plot is simply frustrating...I really hope kids are not watching this. Who makes "just for funsies" pacts to get married if they're still single by 30??? Furthermore, why are we just going to accept the "friends with benefits but not really because I can have guy friends, but I'll have issues with you having girl friends". Johanna has major toxic traits. She has commitment issues. She is hypercritical. She is jealous, but if the other party does the exact same thing she does, she will be livid and then move down her list of hoes. She expects Peter to know what she wants when she herself has no idea what she wants. It was already a big NOPE and eye roll from me when she broke the ONE AND ONLY request Peter made, which was to be honest. Homegirl couldn't delete her ex's number, even though Peter did. And then she lied to him to say she did...They go on to create dating apps and decided to choose each other's dates. When things went well with Peter and his date...Johanna is hurt. Like bro. Wasn't this what you wanted? You wanted to create this pact to help and motivate each other to get out there and date. Another NOPE moment from me was when her ex called and she decided to meet up with him, since she was jealous of Peter and his successful date, Sarah. So Johanna goes and dresses UP UP for a "casual meet up" with her ex...please realize that if Peter ever did that...she would've cried a river. Then during the meetup, her ex's finance aka Johanna's ex-best friend (yes it's complicated...but you shouldn't be surprised, since Johanna is complicated lol) showed up, and she was thrown sis why are you shook that the man's future wife came? And they ended up asked Johanna to sing at their wedding so there's that lol. Operation hoe didn't work. So homegirl intoxicates herself to minimize the pain, and calls her "best friend" (I have a whole other rant on guys and girls calling themselves best friends, when we all know it really isn't like that...99.9% of the time) and asks if they can meet up. Peter is currently at Sarah's house, meeting her friends, so he thought it was a brilliant idea to invite Johanna to this party she has no business in being at. (If I have time, I'll rant about homeboy's character later). Johanna is drunk and is ruining the party, and then Peter decides to take her home, while Sarah is like bro really? Just call her an Uber. Basically in the end, he chose Johanna over Sarah, so later she breaks up with him. Johanna's next attempt of being an unfair CHILD was when she asked Peter to accompany her to the wedding. She tried convincing him by saying "dude you're a single guy at a'll be a great time". Then what happens? YOU GUESSED IT. He meets single girls and talks to them, and she gets jealous. EYE ROLL. SIS IT WAS YOUR IDEA. Then, after Johanna acting toxic and whatever, her and Peter somehow confess their feelings for each other, and hook up that night. Then the following days and weeks, they move in together, etc. One random day, Johanna goes to get drinks with a guy co-worker and Peter is confused and slightly jealous, and Johanna is annoyed...bro let's be real...he does this and you'll be sobbing. So eventually Peter asks the dreaded question (by societal standards), "what are we?" and Johanna couldn't define it...homegirl. Y'all both like each other...hooked up...are living together...can't see each other dating anyone else...WHAT DO YA MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW THE STATUS OF THE RELATIONSHIP lol. Later on in the show, Peter's mom basically tells him Sarah is better, since she's YAKNOW...GROWN AND KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS (more to say about her character later if I have time).

Okay y'all I just realized, but there's way too many issues I have with Johanna, so I'll just spare the rest of the details.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a film that has an impact on your life...for the better, this ain't it sis. I don't think I have ever ever ever ever written a review before, so this speaks volumes. On the flip side, of you are "bored" and just want to WASTE TIME, I say go for it, since Mark and Chloe's comic relief scenes make up for the awful storyline of the main characters.

Yikes. That's all I have. Have a wonderful day!
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