This is a captivating masterpiece that must be recognised.
19 May 2020
Midnight family is a docudrama about a family called the Ochoa's, who run a private ambulance service. The docudrama states at the beginning of the documentary that in the city of Mexico City where population is 9 million their are only 45 government ambulances this is where the Ochoa's and many other families come in as they have their own private service that stabilises the patients until they hand off the patients to the official Mexican healthcare.

This thought provoking docudrama was pure brilliance, and the director Luke Lorentzen established a medium of events that transpired and events that didn't (meaning he made up a bit of information along the way but it didn't really affect the docudrama). The docudrama outlines the Ochoa's as a family with a good nature and generally great moral compass one example is that they would go without pay for days yet they would still help the people in dire need. Throughout the docudrama Mexico's eternal struggle with emergency services is brought to light. This is contrast with the Ochoa's eternal struggle of making a decent wage as they risk everything they have to help people in life or death situations and at the same time they're trying to avoid all the corruption happening around them.
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