God help the mister who comes between mum, her son and his sister
9 May 2020
Mild-mannered single parent Sarah (Sarah Bolger) has recently lost her husband (who had been murdered). Sarah struggles with the day-to-day challenge of raising her 2 children with limited money. Things take a turn for Sarah when Tito (Andrew Simpson) enters her life and mild-mannered Sarah soon learns that Tito may know something about her husband's death. With Tito's presence becoming increasingly unwelcome, Sarah takes matters in to her own hands and becomes more determined than ever to find out once and for all who murdered her husband...

Set somewhere in Northern Ireland (no idea where as it's never explained) A Good Woman is Hard to Find is a low-budget thriller whose main focus is on an honest law-abiding woman being somewhat forced to take on a darker parallel existence in order to protect her children.

This is a slow film which undoubtedly will be a problem to some people (the first 30 minutes are particularly challenging where we're mostly just witnessing people walking round in stony silence). Once Tito enters the picture then it does liven up a bit (early on there are some quiet moments of introspection some of which are insightful before we later see Tito show his true colours).

From this point onwards the majority of the film focus on the other story strand (the heavies trying to track Tito down for stealing their drugs). At times the film does tend to lose focus and there are definitely flaws within the narrative - such as why Tito robs the heavies in the first place? This is never explained. It also has to be said that this film is quite graphic so those that are easily disturbed by extreme violence are advised to approach the film with caution. Also worth noting are the accents which can sometimes be quite hard to understand (and this is coming from someone that is English btw)

Sarah's determination to get to the bottom of her husband's murder leads to a showdown with the heavies which is suitably tense with a couple of twists thrown in for good measure. Overall then this is not an amazing film that is likely to blow anyone away, but after a slow start it does begin to manifest its into an interesting journey about a woman's determination to protect her children whilst also finding out who killed her husband. It's definitely worth a look.
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